5 Business Ideas Under Rs.10,000 You Can Start

Let’s say, you have about 10,000 rupees sitting pretty in your bank account or wallet, but you are a smart person and want to put that amount into good use, possibly starting a business. Right? Well, you might think there are not a lot of options when it comes to starting a business with just 10 thousand rupees, and you’d be wrong. Why? That’s because you have quite a few good and unique options, and today’s post is all about that because here we will be covering the best 5 business ideas under Rs. 10,000 you can start in 2024. Here we go now.

1. Cloud Kitchen Specialising in Regional Cuisines

Cloud Kitchen

Thinking of starting a cloud kitchen serving local flavors, especially in a country like India where local flavors are found at every corner? Now, just about Rs. 10,000 in your pocket will help you get the ball rolling in buying the basic stuff needed to cook and the ingredients. The beauty is that you don’t rent space, whereby by renting space, it means people come in and dine, which is a lot in cutting costs.

2. Online Yoga and Wellness Workshops

Online Yoga

With all moving on the virtual platform to take tips on workouts and calming exercises, the investment into an online channel of yoga and wellness classes can really pay off. It will be one of the investments that you make, however, the investment will be mostly one-time, with maybe 5000 to 10,000 rupees at max for good quality internet and a webcam. The remaining funds could be used for notifying citizens about the program’s opportunities with simple advertising and, probably, some kind of basic website via social networks.

3. Handcrafted Aromatherapy Candles

The aroma candle-making business is like mixing creativity with a touch of wellness. Opening this business, of course, a certain sum of money will be needed to buy stuff like wax, essential oils, wicks, molds, and also the things your candles will be wrapped in. If one can make the candle stand out and catch people’s eyes, he/she can actually start with as low as 8,000 to 10,000 rupees. This business is all about creativity and making quality stuff that you are able to sell either in some local shops or online.

4. Heritage Craft Online Workshops

See, online, it is really possible to take part not only in the growing trend of people who want to maintain and spread these traditional crafts but also in groups that love making crafts by themselves. The money you would require in order to start this would go into buying the craft materials you would need, and you would have to get the right equipment for recording and showing your workshops online. You would, however, need a good quality camera and microphone, which may come at an approximate amount of 7000 to 10,000 rupees in total.

5. Niche Blogging with Integrated E-Commerce

Starting a niche blog that sells stuff directly, you do have to invest some money upfront, mostly in getting your site running and hosting it. Easily get a blog set up to sell things through platforms like WordPress for about 6,000 to 10,000 rupees in the first year. The whole idea is to bring together a group of dedicated followers who would be interested in your posts and believe your suggestions of products to purchase. This can go on to open many ways to make money through advertisements, affiliate links, and directly sold products.

Final Thoughts

All in all, each of these business ideas really presents a kind of gate to start stepping into the business world when you are just starting out and have quite a low investment, since your passion, hard work, and clever marketing are the things that will, in actuality, get these ventures off the ground. So, that’s that.

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